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Date : 2008-08-01
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Who Discovered America Live Science ~ By 1502 the Florentine merchant and explorer Amerigo Vespucci had figured out that Columbus was wrong and word of a New World had spread throughout Europe America was later named for
The Real Story Who Discovered America Voice of America ~ The Real Story Who Discovered America Americans get a day off work on October 10 to celebrate Columbus Day Its an annual holiday that commemorates the day on October 12 1492 when the Italian explorer Christopher Columbus officially set foot in the Americas and claimed the land for Spain
Who Discovered America Youll Be Surprised by the Answer ~ Later on in 1497 Amerigo Vespucci another Italian explorer claimed to have discovered America Martin Waldseemuller was the first to name this huge land mass as America However one cannot say for sure that Columbus and Amerigo Vespucci were the first to discover this huge continent
Who really discovered America Spoiler its not Columbus ~ Technically Nomadic Asian tribes first discovered America over 15000 years ago But let’s take it step by step The Columbus Expedition
Who First Discovered America Owlcation ~ For a very long time everyone assumed that Columbus had first discovered America Yet in recent years the very term discovery has come under fire There were people in America before Columbus More importantly there are ancient texts that refer to various explorers who reached America from Europe and possibly China before Columbus
So Who Did Discover America History Today ~ For more than a century an army of scholars enthusiasts and outright eccentrics has delved into the question of who discovered America Some of the claims are truly exotic with fanciful reportage on ancient Phoenicians in Rhode Island or Chinese from the Middle Kingdom in the Bay Area
Coming to America Who Was First NPR ~ Who discovered America For most of us the answer to that question is straightforward Christopher Columbus Thats what we were taught in school and that is why we celebrate Columbus Day
History of North America Wikipedia ~ Columbus discovery of America is a contested idea because the Americas were already heavily populated by the indigenous Native American peoples who had developed distinctive civilizations in their own right
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