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Date : 2008-03-01
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121 Express Orca Currents Monique Polak 9781551439761 ~ 121 Express Orca Currents Monique Polak on FREE shipping on qualifying offers The students of the 121 Express are infamous for bad behavior and Lucas knows his role on the bus will determine his social standing at his new school Lucas is tired of being one of the nerds When he attracts the negative attention of the cool troublemakers
121 Express Orca Currents Kindle edition by Monique ~ 121 Express Orca Currents Kindle edition by Monique Polak Download it once and read it on your Kindle device PC phones or tablets Use features like bookmarks note taking and highlighting while reading 121 Express Orca Currents
121 Express by Monique Polak Goodreads ~ An Orca Currents selection high interest for struggling readers Lucas has just moved to Montreal and rides the 121 Express bus to and from school It is wellknown throughout the school and the transit company for being full of troublemakers and Lucas finds that the reputation is wellearned
121 Express orca currents ~ Orca Currents Teachers’ Guide Orca Book Publishers • • 18002105277 orca currents Geography Using a map of the world have students point out the cities identified in 121 Express For each city have students list three interesting things about that city
121 Express 9781551439761 Monique Polak Paperback BMI ~ Everyone says its hell on students of the 121 Express are infamous for bad behavior Lucas knows his role on the bus will determine his social standing at his new school When a cool troublemaker singles him out he saves himself by teasing another kid Book Series Orca Currents This book is part of these Book Collections
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121 Express Orca Book Publishers ~ Home Ebooks Middle School Orca Currents 121 Express By author Monique Polak Fiction Ages 912 Pages 144 Themes School The students of the 121 Express are infamous for bad behavior and Lucas knows his role on the bus will determine his social standing at his new school Lucas is tired of being one of the nerds
121 Express Orca Book ~ The students of the 121 Express are infamous for bad behavior and Lucas knows his role on the bus will determine his social standing at his new school Lucas is tired of being one of the nerds When he attracts the negative attention of the cool troublemakers he saves himself by teasing another kid
Orca Currents Orca Book ~ Orca Currents are short highinterest novels with contemporary themes written specifically for middleschool students reading below grade level Reading levels from grade 20 to 50 Interest level ages 10–14 Learn more about the Orca Currents series
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