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Date : 2009-10-02
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Contact the White House The White House ~ Keep me posted with regular updates from the White House required
Donald J Trump Official Site ~ Help continue our promise to Make America Great Again
How to Become President of the United States with Pictures ~ How to Become President of the United States Becoming the President of the United States is not an easy task and requires an incredible amount of hard work dedication and luck However if you manage to accomplish such an
How to Write a Letter to the President of the United ~ The President of the United States represents people just like you Classroom College Lifestyle Technology Tests Vocabulary Home » Classroom How to Write a Letter to the President of the United States of America By Claudia Stanic Updated June and the president may even personally respond Type your physical andor email
5 Ways to Contact the President of the United States wikiHow ~ To contact the President of the United States send a letter addressed to the White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington DC 20500 You can also try calling the White House by dialing 2024561111 and asking to speak with the President although you may be directed to someone else
List of presidents of the United States Wikipedia ~ The president of the United States is the head of state and head of government of the United States indirectly elected to a 4year term by the people through the Electoral officeholder leads the executive branch of the federal government and is the commanderinchief of the United States Armed Forces Since the office was established in 1789 44 men have served as president
President Quiz Could You Be President Cool Quizzes ~ President Quiz Could You Be President Would you be an amazing good or horrible president Take the president quiz to find out how you would rank as leader of the free world
Ten Things I Would Do If I Were President Perry Noble ~ This article is for entertainment purposes only I am not running for president nor am I considering it But if I did…1 – I would lead not bow down to the idol of political correctness The problem in Washington not just with the President…but with BOTH parties is that no one is willing to…
If I were President essays ~ If I were President essaysIf I were president I would strive to accomplish these three major things First I would strengthen our educational system second I would make certain that everyone has equal and fair treatment in our society and lastly I would secure our borders Our education system
Which President Are You BuzzFeed ~ Which President Are You You might not be able to name every you should take this quiz anyway Posted on March 05 2014 1430 GMT Lara Parker BuzzFeed Staff
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