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Date : 2014-05-13
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The Amazing Travels of Ibn Battuta Fatima Sharafeddine ~ He traveled extensively throughout Islamic lands and beyond — from the Middle East to Africa to Europe to Asia Ibn Battuta kept a diary of his travels and even though he lost it many times and had to recall and rewrite what he had seen he kept a remarkable record of his years away
The Amazing Travels of Ibn Battuta by Fatima Sharafeddine ~ The Amazing Travels of Ibn Battuta In 1325 when Ibn Battuta was just twentyone he bid farewell to his parents in Tangier Morocco and embarked on a pilgrimage to Mecca It was thirty years before he returned home having seen much of the world
The Amazing Travels of Ibn Battuta by Fatima Sharafeddine ~ A firstperson précis of the journeys taken by the Muslim worlds greatest traveler Originally published in Arabic Sharafeddines recast tale takes the 14thcentury Ibn Battuta on a long looping course from his home in Tangier to India then on to China and back for visits to Grenada and Mali
The Amazing Travels of Ibn Battuta – House of Anansi Press ~ The Amazing Travels of Ibn Battuta Fatima Sharafeddine • Intelaq Ali In 1325 when Ibn Battuta was just twentyone he bid farewell to his parents in Tangier Morocco and embarked on a pilgrimage to Mecca It was thirty years before he returned home having seen much of the world
The Amazing Travels of Ibn Battuta Book Calgary Public ~ The Amazing Travels of Ibn Battuta Book Sharaf alDīn Fāṭimah In 1325 when Ibn Battuta was just twentyone he bid farewell to his parents in Tangier Morocco and embarked on a pilgrimage to Mecca It was thirty years before he returned home having seen much of the world
Customer reviews The Amazing Travels of Ibn ~ The most beautifully illustrated factual book of Ibn Battutas travels although a storybook contains many interesting details of his travels suitable for ages 8 and above
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The Travels of Ibn Battutah Ibn Battutah Tim Mackintosh ~ Ibn Battutah—ethnographer bigrapher anecdotal historian and occasional botanist—was just 21 when he set out in 1325 from his native Tangier on a pilgramage to Mecca He did not return to Morocco for another 29 years traveling instead through more than 40 countries on the modern map covering 75000 miles and getting as far north as the Volga as far east as China and as far south as Tanzania
The Travels of Ibn Battuta ORIAS ~ Ibn Battuta started on his travels in 1325 when he was 20 years old His main reason to travel was to go on a Hajj or a Pilgrimage to Mecca to fulfill the fifth pillar of Isla But his traveling went on for around 29 years and he covered about 75000 miles visiting the equivalent of 44 modern countries which were then mostly under the governments of Muslim leaders of the World of Islam or Dar alIslam
Life and Travels of Ibn Battuta World Explorer and Writer ~ Ibn Battuta 1304–1368 was a scholar theologian adventurer and traveler who like Marco Polo fifty years earlier wandered the world and wrote about it Battuta sailed rode camels and horses and walked his way to 44 different modern countries traveling an estimated 75000 miles during a 29 year period
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